Craig Ferrera, Director of Identity Strategy and Consulting at Gigya

Craig Ferrera

Director of Identity Strategy and Consulting

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Craig.

Download The Latest Agenda

Digital Travel Summit APAC Day 1, Wednesday April 13th

Wednesday, January 4th, 2017

16:50 Case study: How can you increase bookings, build customized cross-channel journeys and drive loyalty across digital properties?

  • How can you overcome the brand challenges associated with ancillary revenue?
  • Unbundling airfares: How can you filter and recognise the components that should be included in your ancillary revenue stream?
  • How can you ensure optimal price points for your travel add-ons to maximise value?
  • New generation airlines vs. Traditional airlines: How should the approach differ for ancillary revenue management?
  • How can you capitalize on on-board sales?

Digital Travel Summit APAC Day 2, Thursday April 14th

Saturday, February 4th, 2017

17:30 All-star panel: The data analytics explosion – How can you drive optimal efficiency and lower costs while enhancing the customer experience?

  • Voice of the customer analytics: How can you increase client satisfaction?
  • How can you use data to understand changes in consumer behavior and optimize their future experience?
  • Rise of data scientists: Are your internal teams prepared to use and handle data to benefit your business?
  • How will predictive analytics re-shape the travel industry?